Real Programming 4 Kids Logo

Real Programming 4 Kids Staff

Meet our team of veterans with over 24 years of experience in the programming industry.
Picture of a group of team members sitting and discussing

Our Mission Statement

RP4K looks for people who are under grads or grads in Ontario Computer Science, Engineering or Game Design programs. These people are usually in their early to late twenties. Many RP4K instructors report that teaching for RP4K was their best job while working on their University degree. They derive joy from teaching game programming to children and teens.
Picture of programmer at a desk typing on laptop
Instructor helping a student on his laptop with other kids sitting and working on their laptops
It’s more important to find candidates who are great with kids than great at programming, but it is still important that teacher candidates are knowledgeable in programming. Dealing with kids comes first and knowledge of programming comes second, at RP4K.
All of us who have gone through University have had to put up with professors who are knowledgeable with their field but poor at teaching. We have looked at the university system and have decided that this is something to avoid. Some RP4K instructors were actually past RP4K students, who are now in University Computer Science programs.
Picture of a group of graduates holding up degrees and graduation hats
Group of instructors having a session discussing
All RP4K instructors are provided with RP4K’s proprietary curriculum. This proven curriculum has evolved over 20 years. That is, RP4K’s curriculum was initiated in 1996 and is thousands of pages in content. It continues to be augmented, edited and fine tuned to this day. RP4K instructors are trained in learning and teaching RP4K’s proprietary curriculum.
All instructors must submit a vulnerable sector police record check to RP4K.
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