Real Programming 4 Kids Logo

About Us

Canadian instructors with 24+ years of experience.
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Picture of four graduates holding degrees
RP4K began in Winnipeg in 1998. Since then we have taught game programming to over 20,000 students who have cumulatively inputted over 5 million lines of code.

Our vision is to be the best in the world at teaching game programming to kids.

We have stuck to the maximum of 4 students per instructor since 1998.
Picture of 4 students in class behind laptops with an instructor at the front
Picture of Elliot Bay
The RP4K curriculum was initiated by Elliott’s original business partner who worked as programmer in a national grocery chain. With the help of Scott King and other RP4K staff the RP4K curriculum has been tried, tested, updated and grown for over 18 years.

Elliott Bay B.Sc. (Honours Math 1st Class) M.Sc. (Mathematics) is the owner, co-founder and president of RP4K. He has operated RP4K since it’s founding in 1998.
our staff
Programming Camps 1997
In the 1990s, prior to starting RP4K, Elliott ran a math tutoring business, “Mathematician For Hire” in Winnipeg. He has tutored mathematics to hundreds of kids and teens. It was during this tutoring experience that Elliott dreamed of having his own proprietary curriculum instead of having to tutor the Manitoba government’s math curriculum. This dream was answered with the creation of the RP4K curriculum, an original new computer game programming curriculum!
Picture of blackboard with various mathematic formulas
Group of students sitting behind a laptop smiling
In the 1980s Elliott taught Calculus and Linear Algebra to hundreds of students at the University of Manitoba. He never would have imagined that kids could use Linear Algebra to program games! Elliott can testify to the beautiful math and physics problems and solutions that manifest in computer game programming!
In the 1970s Elliott had his first children’s business experience working as a magician, entertaining hundreds of kids at birthday parties and other gatherings in Winnipeg. He still performs magic tricks for RP4K students & parents, before and after their coding classes!
Picture of magician props with a top hat, gloves and wand
Picture of a group of instructors seated with one leading the meeting
From 2009 to 2019 Scott King B.Math (Honours Univ of Waterloo) B.Ed. (Queen’s) was RP4K's Director of Education. Scott helped grow RP4K and expand it's high-quality instructor staff and introduced new proprietary RP4K curriculum. Scott aimed to impart his experiences as an instructor to each new hire during his time with RP4K.
Since 2019 Dylan Brunning B.Sc (Wilfred Laurier University) has been RP4K's Director of Operations. Since 2020 Dylan has focused on adapting RP4K's curriculum and content-delivery to the online format.

John Krent joined RP4K in 2020 as the Assistant Director of Operations and has focused on classroom quality and additional curriculum content.
Picture of man sitting at a laptop typing with notes
London Free Press
RP4K continues to invest time and thousands of dollars in staff screening & training and developing cutting edge game coding curriculum.
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