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Category: Online Coding Classes

How RP4K Gets Girls to Code

Published on November 25, 2020
Real Programming 4 Kids believes passionately in the value of STEM education, but even more than that, we believe everyone should be able to learn about their passions. Historically, careers like engineering and computer science were dominated by men, which takes a long time to undo. According to Engineers Canada, in 2017, women make up […]
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10 Games That Encourage Kids to Code

Published on November 10, 2020
Video games are a great way to get children into coding. Not only is coding the thing that brings games to life, some of them even teach actual coding skills. Sometimes video games are so much fun that children don’t even realize they’re learning. If you want your kids to get a taste for coding, […]
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Tips to Help You Survive the School Year - No Matter What It Looks Like

Published on October 31, 2020
This school year is like no other. In-person attendance is no longer mandatory, with many families opting for online studies at home instead, while high schools have moved to a hybrid model of in-person and online classes in order to reduce the number of students in school buildings at the same time. As kids return […]
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6 Rewarding Careers that Require Excellent Coding Skills

Published on October 13, 2020
The tech world can seem a little opaque to those on the outside. We might rely on products produced by tech companies every day, but what goes into the design and creation of these products can still be a bit of a mystery. Yet over the past twenty years, tech has become one of the […]
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Make Online Learning a Plan for this School Year

Published on September 23, 2020
With so much of the world having moved online recently, some are wary about loading on more and more screen-time. Parents in Ontario were left feeling frustrated by the way school boards handled “distanced learning” in the spring, with many choosing to opt out instead. Nevertheless, there’s still trepidation about the return to the classroom. […]
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Kids Can Learn Python Online: Find Out Why They Should

Published on September 9, 2020
Python is one of the leading programming languages in the industry. It’s the world’s fastest-growing language in terms of popularity among software engineers, data analysts, mathematicians, and scientists – and the language is a great introduction to programming for kids. In online coding classes for kids with RP4K, kids begin to learn real programming languages […]
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Get Ready for the 2021 School Year and Sign Up for Coding Classes

Published on August 26, 2020
The 2020-2021 school year is coming up quickly. As every parent knows, the school year isn’t just about heading back to the classroom. A big part of the school year experience is extra-curriculars. Extra-curricular activities and courses are a chance for kids to develop more advanced skills in a special interest. The regular school year […]
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Will an Online Summer Coding Camp Actually Work?

Published on July 27, 2020
Parents are staring down two long months of summer with the kids at home. Even during a normal year, having children out of school while you still have to work is a big stress factor. What are you supposed to do with them for two months, right? Parents have long relied on summer camps to […]
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The Benefits of Online Coding Classes

Published on May 25, 2020
Everyone’s getting a little more screen time these days, owing to the continuing social distancing measures implemented here in Canada and abroad. That screen time can be strictly for leisure — watching TV or playing video games. It can be for your work — hopping on a Zoom call or sharing projects over Slack. Or, […]
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Real Programming 4 Kids Now Offers Online Coding Classes

Published on March 30, 2020
With the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, our lives seem to be changing day by day. It’s a stressful time, especially for parents who are worried about their kids and also about the fact that they aren’t in school getting an education. If you’ve heard of summer learning loss then you’ll know that when kids aren’t […]
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