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The Benefits of Online Coding Classes

Published on May 25, 2020
Everyone’s getting a little more screen time these days, owing to the continuing social distancing measures implemented here in Canada and abroad. That screen time can be strictly for leisure — watching TV or playing video games. It can be for your work — hopping on a Zoom call or sharing projects over Slack. Or, […]
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Summer Is the Perfect Time to Learn Something Fun

Published on May 11, 2020
How will your kids spend their summer? Planning two long months of activities for children is a challenge for every parent. The last few weeks of the school year can drag on for children. The weather warms up and every sunny day feels like an opportunity for a new adventure. When that last day of […]
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How to Tell if Your Kids Would Be Interested in Summer Coding Camp

Published on April 15, 2020
Summer Break often poses a challenge for most parents. Not only do they still need to work but many also want to make sure that their children’s break is somewhat productive, and even fun. That’s why many consider signing their kids up for summer camp – so that their kids will have an activity to […]
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Real Programming 4 Kids Now Offers Online Coding Classes

Published on March 30, 2020
With the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, our lives seem to be changing day by day. It’s a stressful time, especially for parents who are worried about their kids and also about the fact that they aren’t in school getting an education. If you’ve heard of summer learning loss then you’ll know that when kids aren’t […]
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What Can Kids Learn from Video Games?

Published on March 30, 2020
Parents have a lot to worry about when it comes to raising their kids and setting them on the right path. Whether it’s what they eat, their hobbies, how well they do in school, among others, there are tons of concerns on the minds of parents, and video games are one of them. There are […]
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Summer Coding for Kids is Just Around the Corner

Published on March 11, 2020
With summer on the way, you might be wondering what kind of activities your children can do during that time. There are a number of options, from joining a day camp to even just relaxing and focusing their attention on studying. Or maybe you’re worried that they’ll spend all their time playing video games? If […]
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