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Get Ready for the 2021 School Year and Sign Up for Coding Classes

Published on August 26, 2020
The 2020-2021 school year is coming up quickly. As every parent knows, the school year isn’t just about heading back to the classroom. A big part of the school year experience is extra-curriculars. Extra-curricular activities and courses are a chance for kids to develop more advanced skills in a special interest. The regular school year […]
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10 Ways Your Kids’ Lives Will Change When They Learn to Code

Published on August 12, 2020
Coding classes for kids can open a lot of doors. With technology having become a ubiquitous part of life, knowing how our smartphones, laptops, cars, and gadgets work is an eye-opening experience. Coding is also an invaluable skill today. It’s no longer something that only computer programmers and video game developers need to know. More […]
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Will an Online Summer Coding Camp Actually Work?

Published on July 27, 2020
Parents are staring down two long months of summer with the kids at home. Even during a normal year, having children out of school while you still have to work is a big stress factor. What are you supposed to do with them for two months, right? Parents have long relied on summer camps to […]
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The Making of an Independent Video Game

Published on July 13, 2020
Indie games have taken off in a big way in the last decade. The widespread availability of software used to make them and the growth of platforms that distribute them directly to consumers have resulted in a glut of independent titles. There are tons of talented independent studios out there, and the job market for […]
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4 Cool Careers You Can Get into with Coding Skills

Published on June 24, 2020
Summer camp is more than just a way to keep your kids occupied over the summer. It can be a chance to let them learn and develop skills that will help them succeed at school and even open up career opportunities as they get older. All that sounds great to parents who want to give […]
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5 Reasons Why You Should Sign Your Kids Up for Summer Coding Camp

Published on June 8, 2020
With summer just around the corner you might be thinking about what sort of things your kids will be doing to occupy their time during the summer break. Many parents consider sending their kids to summer camp programs where they can learn new skills or participate in a physical activity that encourages teamwork and improves […]
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