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Category: Summer Coding Camp

What Makes Real Programming 4 Kids Better than the Competition?

Published on February 21, 2020
Learning how to code is becoming an increasingly popular skill to pick up – not only for adults, but for children as well. Parents who want to prepare their children for a future in computer technology will sign their kids up for coding classes in the hopes that they will have an advantage later in […]
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It's Not Too Early to Sign Up for Summer Coding Camp for Kids

Published on February 10, 2020
We may be in the midst of the winter season, but that doesn’t mean that it’s too early to start thinking about summer vacation and planning out what your kids are going to do during that time. The earlier you make plans, the easier it is to get a sense of what your children may […]
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Sign Your Kids Up for Coding Classes in Kitchener

Published on January 27, 2020
Do you find that your kids are bored after school and looking for something to do? Maybe they spend a lot of their time playing video games and you wish that their energy was better spent doing something more productive. But how do you turn a love of video games into a hobby where your […]
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Teach Your Kids How to Code this New Year

Published on January 13, 2020
Human history of making New Year’s resolutions dates as far back as 4000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians where they made promises to the gods to repay their debts. The ancient Romans were the ones who began to look to the past and make promises to the god Janus that they would do better. […]
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Four Big Benefits to Sending Your Child to Summer Coding Camp

Published on November 15, 2018
It's not too early to start thinking about how your child spends their next summer vacation - particularly if you're thinking summer camp.  Summer camps can fill up quickly - and the most popular options are usually also the ones which provide the most long-term benefits to children.  Options like summer coding camp. Coding camps […]
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