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Category: Computer Programming for Kids

Want to Teach Your Child A New Language? Think About A Programming Language!

Published on February 12, 2019
Ask virtually any educator, and they will tell you that the best time for a person to learn a second (or third) language is when they are a child.  Children's brains are "wired" for language acquisition, an ability that -for most- will slowly fade as they age.  So, naturally, many parents look into language classes […]
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4 Ways to Get Girls Interested in Computer Programming for Kids

Published on January 30, 2019
It's no secret that computer science, and STEM fields in general, currently employ far more men than women.  This is a problem, not just in a social sense, but from the standpoint of long-term job outlooks.  Computer science is going to be one of the most important job fields of the 21st Century, and we should be […]
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Four Reasons to Teach Computer Programming for Kids in Ottawa

Published on December 30, 2018
There is no shortage of hobbies and skills you might encourage your child to take up - have you considered computer programming? Few activities could be more all-around beneficial to a child's development than learning computer programming for kids in Ottawa.  Programming can bring big boosts to their cognitive development, as well as teaching a […]
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Computer Programming for Kids in Ottawa Builds Cognitive Skills!

Published on December 20, 2018
There are plenty of reasons that computer programming for kids in Ottawa can be beneficial, but one of the most important is how it can help shape and improve your child's cognitive development.  As a cognitive activity, programming is nearly unmatched.  It's a true "all brain" exercise that engages both the creative and logical sides […]
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Some Great Ways to Encourage Computer Programming for Kids

Published on December 10, 2018
If you're looking to encourage your child to take up a hobby that could genuinely turn into a career later in life, few things could be better than computer programming for kids.  In years to come, demand for programmers is only going to grow.  It's one of the few fields which will be immune to AI or […]
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