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Coding in the Summer Keeps Computer Skills Sharp

Published on June 11, 2021
There’s no time like summer to sit back, relax, and take a break from our ordinary routines. For kids, school is over, and they can enjoy more unstructured time to play with their friends. The bliss of childhood is all about revelling in unadulterated play, yet children also need structure. Just like schools blend scheduled […]
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Coding Camp is the Summer Activity Your Child Needs

Published on May 27, 2021
The summer is time for slowing things down and letting kids play. School is over, and now it’s the time for camp! Just because your child is having fun doesn’t mean they can’t learn. Many camps aim to give kids some important lessons in a fundamentally enjoyable way. Our kids coding camps and classes give […]
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8 STEM Books Your Child Will Love

Published on May 12, 2021
Nobody understands and appreciates the value of using digital, online tools to help children learn more than Real Programming 4 Kids, but, of course, books play a huge role in education too! Books have always been the primary way people record knowledge, and they will continue to be no matter how technology advances in the […]
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Coding Terms You Need to Know

Published on April 14, 2021
Every activity or subject has its own jargon or common words that have specific meanings in that context. You don’t need to be a poet to understand the word “metaphor,” but literature also features more specialized terms like “assonance” or “onomatopoeia.” Sometimes, a word may have one connotation in general usage, but it means something […]
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Coding Imparts Math Skills and Good Mental Habits

Published on March 25, 2021
Parents face a tricky balance; how can they ensure their child has ample time for innocent, unstructured play that all kids need while also readying them for future competition? This question is an old one that has been complicated, like everything else, by COVID-19. Every parent who is managing their family throughout all of this […]
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4 Ways Learning to Code Improves Your Mind

Published on March 9, 2021
Sometimes people learn more than they expect to when they delve into certain subjects. Disciplines like literature teach lessons in between the lines — the words themselves contain meaning, but there are secondary, implied lessons that students absorb incidentally. What can a student learn from coding, aside from learning to code? What are the direct […]
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