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The Best Way for Kids to Learn Coding

Published on January 25, 2021 | Posted in  

While not everybody learns the same way, some pedagogical approaches work better than others. It’s especially important to find the right path for kids to learn because they’re new to learning, which is all fresh for them.

The last thing a teacher wants to do to a young child is turn them off the subject matter by making lessons too rigid and dull. On the other hand, sessions that are too lax may not give them the foundations and skills they need.

RP4K teaches online coding for kids that exposes them to the real programming languages the professionals use, without classes being too dry. Your child won’t even realize that they’re learning math skills because they’ll be too busy programming their own computer games!

Please keep reading to learn more about what makes RP4K’s approach to learning so effective.

Kids Can Be Young, And Teachers Too

It’s easy for people who have never coded before to assume that you need some advanced computer skills to do it. Kids as young as seven without any prior experience with computers will have no trouble grasping the concepts in our coding classes.

All our classes apply math lessons, from simple things like integers all the way to trigonometry and 3D vectors. Unlike in school, there’s way less pressure on kids to absorb math skills when they’re learning them in coding classes.

They’ll have the space to make mistakes. Trial and error are crucial in education for young children.

Along the same lines, RP4K deliberately avoids hiring older computer engineers who may have experience teaching advanced courses. When we hire a coding “guru,” we look for post-secondary students in Science or Computer Engineering.

Hiring this type of teacher has two benefits. First, they are intimately familiar with what to expect as a programmer in high school and beyond. Plus, they’re very likely to have grown up playing computer games themselves and are better positioned to relate to young students.

Small Groups

Having a small teacher-to-student ratio helps students receive ample attention. Indeed, when a teacher divides their attention between so many students, they may find it easier to teach drag-and-drop programming languages.

RP4K offers classes that have a maximum of four students per teacher, the smallest classes on the market. You want your child to learn practical languages that professionals use in their work life, such as:

  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • C++
  • Unity

Video games are not just a multi-billion-dollar industry; they’re also a gateway to learning. But it works best when class groups are small.

Young Kids are Primed to Learn Languages

It may seem on the outside like university-aged students are the ones doing the most learning, but that’s not true! Babies make incredible strides in their learning every day, and children are naturals when it comes to absorbing languages.

Coding is not a language like French or German are, but kids are primed to learn it when they’re young. Even 7-year-olds are in a perfect position to absorb coding languages and walk away with skills for future coding careers down the road.

The Fun of Video Games

Generations ago, parents mostly thought of video games as a waste of time for their children. Thankfully, that is no longer the case! A lot has changed since then.

Today, programming video games is a creative and lucrative career path, while video games help students learn to code in the first place. The sessions at Real Programming 4 Kids have relied on video games as a teaching method since our inception over 20 years ago.

Video games give immediate significance to coding languages. It doesn’t matter if your child decides they don’t want to develop video games professionally — they’ll have transferrable skills they can use for STEM subjects and lots more.

Coding encourages linear thinking, non-linear thinking, creative problem solving within a structured environment, and even teamwork. Many commercial games have the source code available, allowing students to peek backstage and understand the coding of their favourite games.

online coding

Learning Must Be Safe

Real Programming 4 Kids offers the best coding courses in Toronto and the GTA, and we’re dedicated to observing every health and safety protocol during COVID-19. As such, our courses are currently only available online. We’ll go back to the classroom when medical experts give the green light!

Until then, we’re using powerful technology to make e-learning as effective as possible. With Zoom’s screen-sharing technology, teachers can model what to do and help their students achieve their coding goals.

Our online courses are suitable for students of all ages and expertise. For introductory courses, parents need to assist the child with technology with which they may not be so familiar. Even in lockdown, you’ll never have to miss a class or expose yourself and your community to any risk.

To find out if your child is suited to the coding courses at RP4k, sign up for our free 45-minute trial lesson. “Coding” comes with a lot of associations, so your child should experience what programming is like and then decide for themselves.

Right Level of Challenge

Like any students, kids want to be stimulated without being overburdened. If lessons are too advanced, students aren’t motivated to learn. It’s crucial for students to feel challenged while seeking goals that are fundamentally obtainable.

RP4K offers courses for a range of age groups and experience levels:

  • Introductory
  • Beginner
  • Developing
  • Advanced
  • Intermediate
  • Elite

It doesn’t matter whether your child is a total beginner or has quite a lot of coding experience. From basic languages like Scratch and Python to beyond, there’s always a suitable course to push and guide your child at RP4K.

There are many good reasons for children to learn coding right now. Learning math and computer skills will be incredibly important down the road for numerous jobs. Perhaps parents are looking for new, safe diversions for their child during a pandemic.

Whether there’s a practical reason or you simply want your child to have fun, RP4K is proud to offer the best approach to coding for kids.

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