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What Your Child Needs for Online Coding Lessons

Published on February 26, 2021 | Posted in  

You’ve finally decided to enroll your child in online coding classes — good! That’s the first step. Our programming courses are designed to be easy to take from home.

There are just a few things you need to know before you begin, and soon, your child will be working away programming video games and losing themselves in code. Please, if you’re considering enrolling your child in our online programming for kids course in coding, continue reading to get a sense of what’s needed from parents.

Parental Supervision

RP4K recommends that parents take the first class with their child, so they can assist them if the need arises. Young children may need help with basic things like controlling the mouse or the keyboard. Some kids are more familiar with basic computer skills than others — indeed, you’re enrolling your child in the course to get theirs to improve!

Your kid will feel more comfortable taking the class when you’re by their side, and you’ll get an opportunity to meet the teacher and get a sense of how classes work. No matter how old your child is or how much experience with a computer they have, it’s a good idea to sit-in on the first class.

However, we kindly ask that parents don’t get directly involved in the session and are there to help if required and observe.

Allot the Time

After spending so much time indoors supervising your children while trying to juggle so many other tasks, you’re probably more than ready for your kid to spend some time on their own learning. No doubt the feeling is mutual!

Transitioning from in-class sessions to online sessions isn’t easy for anybody. Please, be sensitive to your child’s needs, and block off a generous section of time in which they can work and take breaks. Allot some time before and after the weekly class to get some time to review material or prepare for a session.

Students need time to practice during the week and absorb the class’s content. Everyone has unique scheduling needs based on what’s going on in their life. Kids love structure and routine, so make an online learning plan that ensures they have ample time to absorb these lessons at their own pace and make weekly practice and learning sessions a part of their routine.

What Else to Buy?

If you’re new to coding, you might be wondering what equipment your child needs access to from home. With in-class sessions made impossible because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you probably already own all the gear necessary to survive the school year learning from home.

All you need is a microphone, which most standard laptops, desktops and tablets already have. A camera is recommended, as the class is interactive.

But RP4K has purchased new equipment to make the transition for at-home learning easier and classes more effective.

We’re proud of our new state-of-the-art Learning Management System and screen sharing software, purchased specifically for the pandemic. Our mobile equipment facilitates the same small classroom experience you’d get from in-class sessions.

Our new technology also allows students to see their overall course progress, access resources outside the classroom comprehensively, and integrate learning opportunities between sessions.

Make a Coding Nook

You might have experienced the struggle at home when it’s difficult to participate in so many different activities from the same place. Atmosphere affects us, and it’s challenging to finish all our daily routines without leaving home.

It’s a good idea to set up a little coding nook, a place where your child can get into the psychological headspace that facilitates lessons. To be sure, you don’t need a lot of physical room in your home to do this!

All you need is a surface to work at with electrical outlets and a comfortable seat. Ideally, it should be a private space so they can focus without interruption or breaks in their concentration.

So long as your child uses the same space week to week, they’ll associate the physical environment with learning to code.  It’s difficult to spend all day learning from home, then stay in this same room to do homework, eat, watch movies, and more.

Even if your home doesn’t have too many rooms, you can use a different space in the same room to help form a connection between a specific activity and a location.

A Hunger for Fun

Finally, kids simply need to bring a positive attitude and the willingness to have some fun! Learning to code will teach them a lot of things about new subjects, but more than anything, classes are designed to be enjoyable.

While students will learn to code their own video games, they might not even realize they’re learning math! All RP4K teachers are very experienced in coding and teaching, but they skew on the younger side.

Choosing to hire younger, relatable teachers will pair students up with people who also grew up playing video games. It’s probably not uncommon for kids and even adults to think computer coding is difficult and boring, but RP4K is here to turn that conventional notion upside down!

From the age of six or seven, young people can learn to create their own video game using real programming languages the professionals rely on every day. We design our course to give kids a taste of success on their own terms — video games. We’ve seen from experience the way they keep coming back.

You can absolutely send your child to learn to code because you want to prepare them for the workforce, but all they need is the willingness to have some fun and try a new activity.

Learning to code from home is always a safe and productive way to spend time, especially during a pandemic. RP4K has been in operation for 20 years, and we’ve got our system down pat. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how parents can prepare their child for our online courses or any other related questions you may have.

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