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Byte-sized Brilliance: How RP4K is Crafting Future Innovators

Published on April 15, 2024
STEM subjects are so popular now and have been for years because parents understand that we live in a digital world. Computers control everything around us and knowing how they work gives people a sense of control. We’re all dazzled by the technology we use every day, but there’s also a feeling that it cuts […]
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Unlock Your Child's Potential: Dive into Our 18-Week Online Coding Experience

Published on March 28, 2024
Parents everywhere want their kids to enjoy their childhood, first and foremost, in ways that also prepare them for the digital future. After all, nobody can say with certainty what apps, video games, or devices will look like in a decade or two from now. But they’ll be written in code. With all the schools […]
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Code Champions: Empowering Kids in Our Online Coding Program

Published on March 15, 2024
Parents enroll their children in after-school programs for two main reasons. They want them to learn something important that they’ll use later, in life or their careers. But more than that, they want them to have fun and enjoy their childhoods. In over twenty years of teaching kids to code, RP4K has found that these […]
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The Many Social Benefits of Weekly Coding Classes

Published on February 22, 2024
In the public imagination, computer coding is not exactly associated with being a social butterfly. Hollywood movies have shaped and warped perceptions about programmers and how they interact with other people. From classic, much-beloved shows like The Simpsons and The IT Crowd, computer programmers were not depicted as having a thriving social life. Thankfully, in […]
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How Parents Can Create a Coding-Friendly Environment at Home

Published on February 8, 2024
Parents want their children to have fun learning new, vital skills, and that’s why many sign up their kids for online coding classes. Learning how to program is a foundational skill in our digital world and tech-heavy economy. But aside from enrolling their kids in classes, how can parents help create a coding-friendly environment at […]
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Exploring How Coding Concepts Can Be Applied to Real-Life Situations

Published on January 29, 2024
Sometimes, when we learn a new subject, what we absorb gets applied down the road in surprising ways. You never know how a math lesson may assert itself later in contexts that have nothing to do with crunching numbers. For example, kids learn problem-solving when they do math, but thinking on their feet can help […]
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