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Great News! We Just Launched Our Winter 2024 Season. Receive A 10% Discount For An RP4K Coding Course Starting In January! Book Now!

Published: December 1, 2023

We are very excited to announce the Real Programming 4 Kids Winter 2024 program starting in January 2024.

As always, there is never more than 4 students per instructor in any RP4K coding class!

Classes starting in January 2024 are for students who are not currently attending our fall 2023 program which finishes in February 2024 or March 2024. If you register your child to start in January 2024 and pay in full prior to December 29th, 2023, you will receive a 10% early bird discount!

To initiate registration simply email us at or call us at 416-469-9676 or 1-877-307-3456.

If your child is currently attending our fall 2023 – winter 2024 program, we will contact you soon regarding classes starting in February 2024 or March 2024. We appreciate referrals. Please consider forwarding our website to a friend, who has never used our program. If they register their child in our program, you will receive a $75 CAD referral discount. In addition, the new customer will also receive a  $75 lump sum discount! (remind them to mention your name when they contact us)

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