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RP4K Instructor

My Education

B.Eng Computer Engineering, York University, Toronto, Ontario.

My Work Experience

I have worked as a Math and Science tutor for many years. I have been working as an RP4K instructor for over a year now!

Fun facts about Nastaho

I have a passion for creating art, both in digital and physical forms. Whether it's sketching on paper or designing graphics on a computer, I find joy in expressing my creativity through various mediums. One of my favourite endeavours is merging my love for art with coding, exploring how these two seemingly different worlds can intersect and complement each other in projects. It's incredibly fulfilling to see how programming can enhance artistic expression and vice versa, and I'm always eager to embark on new projects that allow me to combine these interests.

Why Nastaho works for RP4K 

I’ve always found joy in sharing the knowledge I've gathered with others, but I've also noticed a gap between conventional teaching methods and the diverse learning styles of students. This realization has driven me to simplify complex topics, making them more accessible to learners of all kinds. Whether it's mathematics or computer science, I strive to present information in a way that resonates with each student's unique perspective.

Joining RP4K has been a turning point for me, allowing me to witness real-time change in educational practices. Here, I've had the privilege to contribute to a learning environment that embraces diversity and innovation. It's incredibly fulfilling to be part of RP4K's mission to revolutionize education and to play a role in fostering positive change in the lives of students.

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