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Courses Taught


John K

Director of Education

My Education

  • Honours Bachelor’s Degree, in Game Design, from Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario.
  • Mechanical Technician’s Diploma, Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario.

Continuously driven to expand his knowledge, John actively seeks opportunities to broaden his understanding and gain new perspectives across various fields.

My Work Experience

His journey at RP4K began in 2019 as an instructor, later advancing to the role of Assistant Director of Operations, and most recently to the role of Director of Operations/Education. During his tenure, John focused on enhancing course quality and expanding the curriculum offerings, enriching the learning experience for students.

Before joining RP4K, John contributed to the education sector at Appleby College, where he led Game Design and Development courses. He empowered students to work with game engines and programming, guiding them in creating their own games within short, intensive programs.

With a background in building automation from his time at Siemens as an Automation Specialist, John is well-versed in managing critical systems in industrial and health sectors, working with lower-level hardware to ensure seamless operations.

Fun Facts about John K

Outside of work, John is an avid outdoorsman, enjoying hobbies such as hiking, camping, biking, and whitewater canoeing. He also has a passion for learning new skills and enjoys rebuilding old cars. A fun fact about John is that he always carries around a bag of D&D dice and a notebook, ready for any impromptu gaming adventures.

Why John K works for RP4K

One of John's favourite aspects of working at RP4K is the collaborative team environment, where everyone supports each other's growth and shares diverse perspectives. He values the team's focus on personal and professional development, ensuring both staff and students can reach their full potential.

John's passion for his work at RP4K is evident in his commitment to providing students with a learning environment he once dreamed of as a child. He finds joy in fostering creativity and skills development in young minds, reflecting his lifelong dedication to working with children and sharing knowledge.

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