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New Year, New Skills: Kickstart the New Year by Enrolling Your Child in Weekly Coding Classes

Published on January 15, 2024
It’s the start of another New Year, a time when people traditionally make promises or resolutions to improve in some fundamental way. Many resolve to better their health by dieting or going to a gym. Some resolutions are more philosophical, as when people commit to being a better friend to those in their inner circle. […]
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Milestones and Metrics: How to Measure Coding Progress for Kids

Published on December 21, 2023
For parents, measuring their children’s progress in coding lessons may be trickier than it seems at first. What is the metric for success? The answer is perhaps philosophical. A subject involving STEM skills often uses numbers or statistics, but not everything can be quantified so neatly. Let’s look closer at the considerations parents should take […]
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Burnout Prevention for Young Coders: Techniques to Stay Calm and Focused While Learning to Code

Published on December 6, 2023
Even the richest, most rewarding concepts can get tiring or tedious if you study them the wrong way or without ever taking a break. Some people think that diving headlong into a subject is necessarily the best way to absorb the material, but that’s not true! Plunging yourself too deeply can backfire by causing boredom […]
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The Benefits of Learning to Code with Classmates

Published on November 23, 2023
When kids learn how to code their own computer games, they reap both primary and secondary benefits — much like when they participate in extracurriculars like art, ballet, or a team sport. Of course, learning how to code is an invaluable skill. It can help boost critical thinking skills directly applicable to other courses. It’s […]
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5 Simple Coding Projects for Kids to Tackle During the School Year

Published on November 9, 2023
If you have a son or daughter who’s started to show a keen interest in coding, you’re right to nurture their curiosity. Computer programming is an excellent way to foster key problem-solving and critical thinking skills while cultivating creativity — to name just a few benefits! Fortunately, there are plenty of simple coding projects that […]
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How Weekly Coding Classes Can Enhance Classroom Performance

Published on October 10, 2023
For years, parents have signed their children up for programming courses to prepare them for the workforce of tomorrow. The number of jobs people can apply for when they have excellent coding skills is incredible; not only are there prestigious, high-paying jobs like app or video game developer. There are tons of adjacent jobs in […]
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