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Computer Programming for Kids in Ottawa Builds Cognitive Skills!

Published on December 20, 2018
There are plenty of reasons that computer programming for kids in Ottawa can be beneficial, but one of the most important is how it can help shape and improve your child's cognitive development.  As a cognitive activity, programming is nearly unmatched.  It's a true "all brain" exercise that engages both the creative and logical sides […]
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Some Great Ways to Encourage Computer Programming for Kids

Published on December 10, 2018
If you're looking to encourage your child to take up a hobby that could genuinely turn into a career later in life, few things could be better than computer programming for kids.  In years to come, demand for programmers is only going to grow.  It's one of the few fields which will be immune to AI or […]
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Video Game Programming for Kids - How Gamification Is Reshaping Education

Published on November 30, 2018
We're in the middle of a technological revolution which is reshaping society in the same way the industrial revolution reshaped 19th Century society. So why are most 21st Century classrooms still using 19th Century teaching methods? Along with all the obvious technological advancements, our current revolution is producing new insights into matters like teaching, learning, […]
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Four Big Benefits to Sending Your Child to Summer Coding Camp

Published on November 15, 2018
It's not too early to start thinking about how your child spends their next summer vacation - particularly if you're thinking summer camp.  Summer camps can fill up quickly - and the most popular options are usually also the ones which provide the most long-term benefits to children.  Options like summer coding camp. Coding camps […]
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Why Send Your Child to Coding Classes for Kids

Published on October 30, 2018
Do you have a son or daughter you can’t peel away from the computer or a child that’s become interested in programming? You can help them nurture their love for technology and the web by enrolling them in coding classes for kids. The team at Real Programming 4 Kids has helped thousands of children nurture […]
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Why Computer Programming Courses Make Sense for Children

Published on October 15, 2018
As one of the pioneers in providing computer programming courses to children, we're used to parents being skeptical of whether it's a good idea.  Every year our Real Programming 4 Kids team have people ask "But aren't computers too complicated?  Can kids really learn to program?" Absolutely! In fact, we firmly believe that children should […]
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