Published: March 15, 2023
RP4K's new twice weekly program is coming online this Spring and Summer 2023, join us for 4 to 6 week courses running twice per week! Our twice weekly program debuts after much positive feedback to our research and surveys over the past year.
RP4K twice weekly courses will run on Mondays/Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays for 4-6 weeks depending on course difficulty. Beginner level courses will be 4 weeks in duration. More advanced level courses will be 6 weeks in duration. Each class will be 2 hours long, and there will be two 2-hour classes per week.
This program begins on April 24th for our first wave of 4-6 week courses. Another program is scheduled to begin June 12th, and a final wave of twice weekly will be available July 24th. The instructor will be the same for both days of class each week. All classes begin at 5pm or 7pm due to the limited availability for each course.
In anticipation of requests regarding summer, we are currently modifying our approach and availability and plan to announce this news in the coming weeks. RP4K will debut a 2-hour, daily class available during the months of July and August. Registration for summer camps will become available in April and May, reach out to get on our waiting list!