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Advanced – C#, C++, Java Game Programming for Kids

Our Advanced level courses feature courses in Java, Android (Java) and C++.   Students apply object oriented programming concepts taught in the Intermediate level to an advanced level.  Students at this level are programming at a more advanced level of object oriented programming. These courses are designed for high school  level students with previous object oriented programming experience or our intermediate level graduates. These programs, with the exception of RP4K Custom Mod for Minecraft, are made from scratch by the students and the students are only provided the images and sounds created for RP4K (though all students are also encouraged to create their own resources to use in the program if they wish).  

In RP4K Custom Mod for Minecraft (Java Advanced) students work with the currently existing source code in the popular Minecraft game to make their own mods.  Unlike previous RP4K courses, students work with currently existing code which they did not create and expand upon it. Students taking this Java course must purchase a copy of Minecraft.  RP4K did not create Minecraft, only the mods used in the course. Please support the official release of Minecraft.

Tower Defense (Java Android Advanced) is a tower defense game.  You are tasked with creating weapons and placing them correctly and most efficiently to destroy the oncoming zombie hoard  before they reach the town.

Haunted Harbour (Advanced Visual C++) is a side scrolling game featuring Victor.  Victor is tasked with moving from one end of the map to other while shooting and defeating any enemies along his path before losing all of his health.

In these courses students expand upon Object Oriented programming fundamentals and learn about inheritance, camera manipulation, chasing algorithms, reading and writing to text files, devices, overriding and overloading.  In addition, students learn more advanced trigonometry, pitch/yaw/roll, matrices and the beginnings of 3D programming.

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