I was a student of RP4K in the 90s. I'm 30 years old now with a life based around programming. I continued to build video games independently for years after RP4K and even successfully sold a few.
Most recently, I left my role in a Senior Engineering position at Microsoft's Bing.com to pursue various startups including a video game startup. I’ve been thinking about RP4K lately and how much it changed my life. I’m mostly just feeling some nostalgia and a lot of gratitude and wanting to thank you guys for the opportunities you provided me.
Thank you again for five years of great Game Programming courses, amazing students and cool instructors. These last five years have been outstanding Computer Programming learning experiences for my son Brendan.
I highly recommend Real Programming 4 Kids to other parents, who want to channel their child or teen’s current interest in Video Games into a marketable skill in today’s world of high tech and a large Video Game industry.