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Past Interview from WINNIPEG FREE PRESS: "Camp’s ‘programs’ attract young fans"

Published on March 17, 2019
Summer computer students learn to design software By Leah Janzen WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Thursday, July 3, 1997 Like many kids, 12-year-old Adam Tsouras is going to camp this summer, but he won’t be tying knots or learning about archery. His days will be full of stuff like megabytes, microchips, and mainframes, not sing-songs, campfires and […]
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Coding Camp for Kids Is A Springboard to Real-World Careers

Published on February 22, 2019
If you're looking for summer activities for your child, a coding camp for kids might not be at the top of your list...  but perhaps it should be!  After all, how many summertime learning opportunities can you think of that many children would love to participate in, while also preparing them for real-world jobs? That's why a […]
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Want to Teach Your Child A New Language? Think About A Programming Language!

Published on February 12, 2019
Ask virtually any educator, and they will tell you that the best time for a person to learn a second (or third) language is when they are a child.  Children's brains are "wired" for language acquisition, an ability that -for most- will slowly fade as they age.  So, naturally, many parents look into language classes […]
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Why It Makes Sense to Teach Game Design at Computer Coding Camp

Published on February 5, 2019
Real Programming 4 Kids (RP4K) has one of the oldest and best-establish computer coding camps in the world.  We've been in operation for 19 years - long before most people saw the potential in teaching coding to kids.  In that time, more than 14,000 students have attended our camps and other specialized classes, to the […]
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4 Ways to Get Girls Interested in Computer Programming for Kids

Published on January 30, 2019
It's no secret that computer science, and STEM fields in general, currently employ far more men than women.  This is a problem, not just in a social sense, but from the standpoint of long-term job outlooks.  Computer science is going to be one of the most important job fields of the 21st Century, and we should be […]
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Video Games That Teach Video Game Programming for Kids

Published on January 10, 2019
Believe it or not, your child's love of video games might not be a waste of time - not if they start developing the skills to become video game designers themselves!  The video game industry is absolutely booming, becoming larger every year, and is already challenging the other major media types - such as movies […]
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